
Welcome to Haven!

Hello! I am Saadia Baig, Kinesiologist & trainer, crystal addict, mama, wife and founder of Haven Wellness. Haven is an integrated well-being space, combining our beautiful shop, natural therapy clinics and wellness workshops.

As a child, my dolls ran apothecaries, and I would blend up leaves and flowers into potions. My soul always belonged in well-being. When I was in pre-med in college, I realised that conventional medicine was not my path towards helping people and I ended up with an unexpected yet incredibly successful career in Banking.

Following burnout, a broken and abusive relationship and significant childhood trauma, in desperation I contacted a high school teacher who said “Find something you love, and hang onto it”. A colleague said, “You help us with this natural medicine stuff all the time, why not that?”. She was right, I didn’t have to be a banker, I didn’t have to be my past.

A week later, I found myself in a Foundation Kinesiology course at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. I had no idea what it was when I walked in, and the moment it started, I knew -this is why I’m here! The course carried me out of some profoundly dark times, and helped me heal physically and emotionally.

I retrained in Kinesiology, first as a practitioner and then as a trainer. One of my great passions is guiding students from their very first foundation Kinesiology course, all the way to their diploma status. You cannot learn kinesiology without it profoundly healing your life, if you allow it to. I was told I would struggle to have children, and on my practitioner course we were told every intake there is a kinesiology baby, as our health improves so much. By the end of mine, I was in love and pregnant.

I opened my clinic, supporting clients with muscle-testing with all their emotional and physical issues. As clinic swelled and my clients shone, so did my heart, with happiness.

Having my son meant I had to at the time keep a part of myself in Banking for financial reasons. I struggled, I didn’t belong anymore as a Mother in that world and I never saw my son or my husband. I made a vision board with Haven on it, and it seemed impossible. I took it down in tears, every day I looked at it was a reminder of what was not real.

Then Jan 2020, as COVID came, I was brutally let go from my bank job while I recovered from surgery and could not practice Kinesiology. We lost more than 50% of our income, it was terrifying.

And then, I thought, could this be my opportunity? I saw a shop vacating in Crystal palace and thought, why not? There is nothing else to lose. With the help of the British Business Bank, Haven Wellness was born in Dec 2020, and we are now 2 years old!

Haven, is a culmination of my story, and to share this powerful, supportive, abundant and healing energy with you. We nurture and show you different paths to wellness and abundance, Whether through our lovely shop, holding crystals, learning or experiencing Kinesiology or one of our many therapies and courses.

Our dream is to make well-being, crystals and complementary medicine accessible to everyone. Our goal is helping you heal, inspire and protect your wellness and energy.

Our shop is where we curate clean and therapeutic products that help you to relax, find peace, protection and health benefits.

Haven offers practitioner-preferred brands across aromatherapy oils, bath oils, gels, scrubs and salts, massage oils, moisturisers, clean skincare, flower essences, herbs and nutritional supplements, candles, incense and crystals.

Our gorgeous products are made by exceptionally talented small makers and therapists with great intention, love and respect for you and our planet which you will experience when you use them. They are safe for all loved ones from little ones and furry friends to those who are severely compromised. They are also products that will bring sparks of pleasure and healing to our lives.

Our highly-qualified, experienced, warm and compassionate therapists offer complementary health modalities including Osteopathy, Systematic Kinesiology, Nutritional Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Flower Essences, Naturopathy, Women’s Clinic, reiki, sound healings, readings and so much more.

On our website, you will be able to order our lovely crystal boxes and Kinesiology trainings, learn about our therapists and the different treatments and workshops we offer on your journey to well-being.

Oh and that vision board? Every single thing on it, came true. Some storms come to clear and others are for dancing in the rain, trust the Universe and believe in your dreams.

I would love to hear from you, call us on 07719049485 or email us at [email protected]

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